Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Artist's Guest Book - The Key to increasing Your Business!

The Artist's Guest Book - The Key to increasing Your Business!

One of the most foremost tools in the artist's firm tool kit is the Guest Book. Along with a briefcase of your work, firm cards and a receipt book, your guest book should be with you any time you are exhibiting your work.

What is a guest book? The Guest Book is your tool to derive contact information from time to come clients and collectors. As such, at art festivals and shows, it could well be thought about the most foremost reserved Supply tool in your display. It is a major source for your mailing list. Without a mailing list, your email newsletters would go nowhere. Announcements of upcoming shows and newly created artwork would be useless.

The primary point to remember is that the people who sign your guest book are interested adequate in your work and trust you adequate to give you their information. They have seen your work or whether talked to you or saw you talking with other people. They have given you permission to contact them again. The marketing truths are, despite handing out firm cards and even chatting with a prospect, it is very likely, in this age of too much information, that you and your art product will be swiftly lost in their minds (refer to my other narrative about firm cards!)

You can be forgotten unless you have the means to contact these people and jog their memories!

There are a few helpful rules I have with regard to the Guest Book and how to use it. Though I have called it a guest book in this narrative and refer to it as a guest book when sPeaking with time to come collectors and clients, it is not the usual puny book you see at weddings and such. Consider it a collection of information. My art Guest Book is a leather bound three ring binder with brass corners. The pages have ample space for my guests to fill in the already printed lines and ask for:

  • full name
  • complete mailing adDress along with zip code
  • telephone (many give cell numbers)
  • email adDress
  • notes and comments

If you don't ask for and have a space for a phone number, or email or anyone else, no one will write it down. If they don't want to give it to you, they won't, so don't worry that you are invading their privacy. The notes and comments section is very important. Ask the prospect to make a note about what you have talked about, or make it yourself immediately after they leave. When you get home and look at thirty or so names, you won't have a clue who is who unless you jotted down something about your conversation. I also make sure that I can read what they are writing. Blame the Computer, but handwriting isn't what it used to be. A puny research can find the right road estimate or zip code, but when it comes to email adDresses you have no second chance.

My guest book also has abundance of space for people to write. There is room for information for two people per page as well as the same information on the reverse side of each sheet.

I let people know that we will be emailing periodic newsletters with updates about our work and schedules. I also undoubtedly do not share their information with anyone. Period. If I am having an exhibition at a gallery or at a show, I will transmit the Gallery's email announcements with my newsletters to the prospects (and I let the Gallery know that is what I am doing), but will not share a prospect's underground information with an additional one organization. It is common institution for a Gallery or club to ask for your enTire mailing list in order to promote "your" show. Although it seems a reasonable request, once your mailing list is in the hands of another, your occasion to fabricate an exclusive connection with those prospects is lost to you! When your show ends, so does the exclusive you had on those clients. The other Party will be adding your contacts to their comprehensive list. We have over 1000 people to whom we send out newsletters. No matter how many names are on your Newsletter list, each is a possible client! Your list is a gargantuan tool in the advancement of your art occupation and represents many hours of hard work that it took you to derive the names on that list. Do not randomly toss it away!

At the other end of the spectrum from the leather bound book with brass corners, my artist husband, Steve Filarsky carries a small moleskin notebook he keeps in his pocket for notes. He carries it all the time and it is especially handy when he is painting outdoors. If someone expresses interest in his work, he will ask for their contact information or have them note it down in his book. I have used legal Tablets to derive information at a show when the Guest Book was inadvertently left behind!. anyone is better than nothing.

What does it mean to your Art firm to derive a prospect's contact information? We have a friend who does gorgeous institution leather work. Her lowest priced items are 0 and most items are in the 0. - 0. Range. They are not an impulse item. But I can't impress upon her the need to get a guest book. I often wonder how much money and work she has lost over time because she does not think it is primary to remind people about her work. It is so easy for an artist to become complacent and think that they will be undoubtedly remembered! Opportunities lost become even more primary when the artist told me recently that she was entertaining out of state because of her husband's job. How are those past clients to know? undoubtedly her non clients won't know and she is now aware of this!

We see it all the time with artists. It is, unfortunately, far too easy to fall into the reasoning of "I've gotten this far without one." And when the cheaper takes a tumble and gentle reminders to your prospects are in order and even necessary, these artists have nowhere to turn!  I have met artsts who tell me that they have never had to market their art. They say that their clients all came to them through word of mouth only. Those same artists are not saying that now. For those artists who have always known the work that it takes to market their art, today's economic woes are just an additional one bump in the road!

We have learned that the symbolism represented with handing out your firm card and or request someone to sign your guest book can be thought about permission for them to leave! Obviously, we would prefer an immediate sale to just collecting information, so don't jump the gun with your guest book or firm card. I usually wait until they are ready to leave before I ask them to sign our guest book.

Always ask your prospect to sign your Guest Book. Most will. A few will not. They would rather just take your card. That is fine too. Never insist that they give you their contact information.

Your guest book is a great tool. It will enable you to renew connections with people who are interested in your work. When someone leaves a show after having talked to a dozen of more artists, loses your firm card and just gets absorbed back into day to day life, you can still put your art in front of them. Make every dollar that you invested in your art, in traveling, in show expenses and advertisements work for you by installing and maintaining a Guest Book in your Art firm today! All it takes is paper and pen and the willingness to ask interested prospects for their contact information!

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Artist's Way - Friendship and healthy Hearts

The Artist's Way - Friendship and healthy Hearts

Often in groups of citizen connecting with their creativity together friendships are swiftly formed. Other times, it takes any weeks. Spending time with creative citizen ready to seek new options, I get to seek the richness that comes alive as we get to know each other in this supportive context. Friendships and creativity increasing together. Explore shows that citizen with friends live longer and happier lives. Since it's been established that friendship is assuredly good for your heart and since this note is being written while Valentine's week, hearts are all nearby (along with the media campaign for healthy heart fitness). Your creativity expands with support. Whether you are studying Julia Cameron's book, The Artist's Way in a group or on your own, if you're feeling short on friends, consider some of the questions below.

  • Is it time to associate with a friend with whom you've lost touch?
  • Do you spend time with a friend at least twice a month?
  • Are you uplifted after time with your friend?
  • Do you have a friend who needs your withhold right now?
  • When you're feeling down, do you have a friend to call?
  • When you're feeling joyous, do you have friends with whom to celebrate?
  • Are your friendships supporting the heart healthy fitness that we now know is logical?
  • How many friends do you have who share your interest in creativity or creative adventures?

As you read these questions, you get a clearer photograph of what activity is next. Friendship is worth scheduling and manufacture time to nourish; so is creativity. While within a friendship, it can be uncomfy sometimes, it's also true that within a healthy one, you get to be both your best and your not so dreadful self and your friend supports you. It's prominent to have a 'safe other' with whom to share your creative bursts of enthusiasm; one who encourages you. consider the following zaps to expound Whether your friendship status could use support:

  1. I'm ready to mend a fence with one extra friend or determine to let it go
  2. 3 things that I can do differently to improve a friendship that matters to me
  3. In withhold of my creativity, I can count on these people:

In conclusion, I'm thrilled to share one of the reminders that has been so so meaningful to me:

"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled our inner light." ~ a paraphrase from fantastic Albert Schweitzer

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

How Radio Promotion Can Help New Artists

How Radio Promotion Can Help New Artists

Done correctly, radio promotion can be helpful to a new artist. But keep in mind that the end consequent depends largely on you.

First, some realities: If you are reasoning that if you get a track played on a radio middle point that booking agents and venues will come calling to you, it's probably not going to happen. If your sights are aimed at getting played at commercial major shop stations, your chances are slim to none (unless that middle point has a new, local or indie artist agenda which invites submissions). What radio Airplay Can do for you as a new artist is to help test the waters and see what kind of reception your music will get exterior of your home base. That could help you settle which direction to next take your career in.

At the beginning career stage, you need to be proactive at getting Airplay opportunities to work in your favor. Here are some requisite steps to take:

1. Be brutally honest about your product. Make sure your music is a stylistic fit for a radio shop you are interested in. Be sure that your material, vocals and instrumentals are strong sufficient to be playing side by side with the other, established artists. It also helps to get some feedback from others in the know.

2. shop your goods appropriately. Your best chance is at public/community/college/non-commercial radio stations that are receptive to playing new artists and new product. There are resources all over the web that will help you plump stations and study their formats and playlists.

3. consequent up on opportunities. Track your Airplay and get some comments from those who have played your Cd. If there is some strong feedback and consistency in Airplay, then do some explore in that area about potential interviews or gigs.

I have seen new artists take this coming and finally come to be full-time touring artists. However, "eventually" is the operative word here. It took many years of being proactive in contacts and research, construction relationships in the industry, releasing subsequent goods and perfecting their craft to make it happen.

One issue with a wee airplay won't be sufficient to build a career on. But it could be a foundation if you are willing to make the most of it by doing the work and staying the course.

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Biography of Bob Ross the Artist

A Biography of Bob Ross the Artist

Bob Ross was a versatile painter and television anchor from America who was born in the year of 1942 on 29th October. Bob's place of birth was Daytona Beach in Florida. Before he became noted as a painter, he had a long work in American Air force for about 20 years.

His posting was mostly in Alaska and he used to take care of the healing services there. After retiring from the Air force services he earned huge fame in all over the world for his paintings and television shows.

Bob Ross had an impressive look, which like his paintings apPealed a lot to the audience of television. With his afro hAirstyle and his composed, gentle voice added up to his worldwide popularity.

He used to host a television show connected to art and the name of the show was The Joy of Painting and it is often considered to be the most beloved one among the Americans.

In this show he used to teach the viewers how to paint and the techniques and presentation was impressive enough to make the audience stick to the television Screen. There were quite a whole of kids who used to take their art lesion from Bob Ross through this singular television show.

Some of the paintings that gained huge fame and still remembered by the audience are "pretty petite mountains", "happy petite trees" and "happy petite clouds".

He was a strong believer of the fact that each and every man has an artist inexpressive inside him who can come out if the man is inspired and taught in a spoton way. His shows were dubbed in German and they were broadcasted for the popularity among the audience.

He was quite prosperous as a painter. In fact he started painting when he was posted in Alaska. He discovered a unique technique of painting, which was acclaimed by the art critics of the United States.

This technique is known as the wet-on-wet technique and it involved extra formula of applying the wet paint on an existing layer of paint that is really dissimilar from the accepted methods. He used to paint the darkest clouds and liveliest trees on paper using the uncomplicated 1or 2-inch brushes.

But the most interesting fact about bob Ross is that he never received a pro training of development paintings.

At the same time Bob Ross has got some indispensable comments from the art critics as well as fellow artists. According to them his paintings run short of detailing which is an indispensable part of a good painting. They also say that the paintings of Bob Ross contained a style, which seems artificial.

In fact he also faced embarrassing situations created by the traditional artists who protested against his modern technique of painting. This great persona passed away in the year of 1995 suffering from lymphoma.

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